
With a capital U

I’ve finally finished exams… with any luck, forever. This puts me in a much better position to write, and work on super-secret projects. I’ve sold two ultra-short stories to [Jordan](http://www.jordanlapp.com/blog/) and [Camille](http://bookspot.blogspot.com/)‘s new no-longer-super-secret project, [Every Day Fiction](http://www.everydayfiction.com/stories/). Starting in September, they’ll be publishing one new 1000 words or less story every day of the week. A good idea, I think. Attention spans are decreasing at an alarming rate, as idle web-browsing time at the office seems to grow with every passing year. Goldfish minded office employees need their quick stimulation, and the big boss men all across the country have started blocking Facebook and YouTube. Reading a new story every day will consume less traffic than email, so the the network guy should never catch on. After my test yesterday, I went shopping for a Ukulele, but the music store only had those flimsy, Hawaiian tourist models with plastic strings, and I already have one of those. I want a real, honest-to-god instrument, dang it, not some gaudy confection of balsa wood and plastic. I will probably try Ukulele adventuring again on Monday. My need of a Ukulele specifically will be explained in the fullness of time. Yes. I capitalize Ukulele. Like God.