I never realized that baking soda was such an excellent exfoliant. My face feels so smooth and soft.
Yesterday, I was el diablo, complete with rubber horns glued to my head with spirit gum, the edges blended with liquid latex and toilet paper. My face, neck and ears, liberally subjected to bright red face paint.
After the first shower left my face still pinkened enough to make me appear in a constant state of rage, baking soda was suggested as the final face paint removal solution. I arrived home from Halloween festivities at 6:30am this morning, and spent half an hour in the shower, scrubbing my face with baking soda. To my great pleasure, the ridiculous discolouration appears to have been completely destroyed, and my face feels delightfully soft.
Also, it stings when I touch it, from the half-hour of aggressive abrasion. The prices we pay.
Before going to sleep, I figured I’d better type at least a little bit, for the sake of National Novel Writing Month of Novel Writing. Get things started.
Current NaNoWriMo word count: 457.
I don’t know what the hell I’m writing, really. But that’s not important. This is an exercise in endurance, and I intend to prove my manly stalwartyness.
As soon as I’ve gotten some proper post-Halloween sleep.