
Hola and “Ow my face” from Mexico

I’m currently on vacation in Sayulita. I have been semi-functional for a couple of days, due to what I think is a minor sinus infection (I have been swimming a lot, occasionally in questionable waters).

In my out-of-conditionness, I may have accidentally read a couple of Michael Crighton (god rest his soul) novels.

From the two books, Michael Crighton appears to have supported two positions.

1) Nanabots are coming soon, and pose a real and significant danger to the human race.
2) Global Warming is an overblown myth believed only by people who haven’t had the time to do any real reading or thinking for themselves.

I’m thinking of writing a book called State of NanoFear, about a group of Anti-NanoBot activists who create a nanobot plague to show people the impending danger of nanobots. Either that or a lobotomy.

The thing is, I didn’t read Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell today because I was feeling sick, and it looked too big, too daunting. Both of those Crighton (may he rest in peace) books combined adds up to not much less Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. I have a sinus infection *and* I could have spent today reading a real book.
