
Buttersteak Mignon

There’s something of a meme going around these here internets, regarding the cooking of delicious butter steaks. I usually hate all internet meme business, but unlike most, this one is fucking delicious.

My friend Dr. Valensky recently posted about his own buttersteak adventure, having learned about it here and here.

Dr. Valensky cooked his steak with margarine. This was a supply failure, rather than an ambitious attempt to subvert butter’s dominance in the world of delicious steak-frying. I have never purchased margarine in my entire adult cooking life, but its bread-spreading-ease cannot be questioned.

In the spirit of failing to comply with butter-steak cooking practices, I decided to branch out as well. I bought a small filet
and I had some leftover bacon from brunch last weekend
it was time to make: Buttersteak Mignon!

Your pan should be over a little less than medium heat this whole time.

Step one, pre-fry the bacon. Don’t crisp it up though, otherwise, it will be unwilling to passionately hug your filet.

Step two, in the bacon grease, fry the sides of your filet, not for too long, just long enough that your bacons aren’t rubbing all up against raw meat.

Step three, remove the steak from the pan. Put a few cloves of garlic and a couple tablespoons of butter in the pan, and start frying. Wrap the bacon around the filet. I pinned the bacon to itself with a toothpick. Place it on the pan, and fry it on its edges to crisp up the bacon

and then fry each side for five minutes.
From the pictures, it’s obvious that I did the faces first, and then the edges… but I think this wasn’t optimal.

Let it sit for five minutes.

And you’re done.

Put it on a plate

with a salad

everyone knows steak is more important, though.

The salad, well. No one cares about salad. 1 cucumber, 1 avocado, handful of parsley, handful of green onions, a handful of mixed greens, red bell pepper, (I would have put tomatoes in it too, but Sandra hates raw tomatoes),salt, pepper, the juice of 1 whole lime, the juice of one whole lemon, a splash of sushi soy sauce, a splash of olive oil. That makes more salad than you see above. Way more. I’ve been eating that fucking salad for days.