
web migrations.

Steven Steven (see above, painting credit: Sean Bigham) told me a couple of weeks ago that he’d be taking his web host down as of today.  It was short notice, but I have no right to complain: he’s been hosting my webstuffs free for a decade at least.  I’m pretty sure he’s paid for and renewed domains for me in the past, too.  He is a good chap.

A good chap who has left me to fend for myself.

I looked into personal hosting options, virtual servers and the like, but I’m not sure I’ll have the time, with the house and baby, and I also can’t think of anything I really need that much custom control over.  I use DropBox for file hosting and sharing.  I was already planning on using wordpress or something similar for blogging/personal-web-whatever, google for mail, youtube for videos, etc.  I was originally a little concerned that I’d have to host my various low-quality attempts at GameMaker projects on a work server, but it turns out, you can host HTML5 games in public DropBox folders no problem.

So here it is.  My new website.


I will now likely forget to make another post or update for the next five years.  Realistically.