
as predicted, another update two years later

I moved my website again. I moved it because Steven told me to.

To be fair to myself, my life only really gets buffeted around on the winds of Steven’s whimsy when it comes to technology. He’s never bullied me into changing my haircut or my clothes or anything.

This time, he told me that wordpress was dead, and all the cool kids had moved over to hosting their blogs on GitHub pages, using Jekyll.

I looked up some tutorials and documentation on Jekyll, and felt, deeply, deep inside my heart and other organs, that this was some kind of typical nerds loving nerd stuff for nerdy reasons situation. “Look how easy it is to customize layouts and templates”, followed by a mass of what appears to be trash inside of curly braces. Who has the time? Who would do this to theirself? I went back to my old wordpress page, and committed to start posting updates to it for real. A real regular blog update committment, no more two year absences, no more wasteland of content followed by embarassing ten year old ramblings of a younger man that I am now only partially.

I blacked out for a minute.

Three hours later, I came to, having gone way off the deep end. Did you know this Jekyll thing produces static websites? And you can run the site from your github repo on your computer to test it, without having to install and populate a goddamn SQL database or some shit. And look? See how easy it is to add variables to your posts, and page templates, and then have your layouts and other stuff do logic on those variables? You can make your page work exactly the way you want, and then it’s stuck that way, no bullshit wordpress and server updates to stress about, no massive hacking campaigns being run through the security perforations of your long forgotten, never-updated blog.

Steven warned me that I’d end up spending way too much time in the beginning noodling with code, instead of updating content. Not out of necessity, but out of, well, how can you not?

I have become everything I hate.


This Jekyll thing is pretty cool though.